Manifestation & Voodoo Spells: A Primer on Magically Manifesting Your Desires

Manifestation & Voodoo Spells: A Primer on Magically Manifesting Your Desires. How does one manifest their desires using Voodoo Spells, Magical Rituals, and other Manifestation techniques? Can manifestation tools, spells and magical rituals be used together for manifesting?  Absolutely, and all the time!

Learn more with this brief overview on Manifestation, Voodoo Spells and Magical Rituals as part of Erzulie’s “Spiritual Summary Series™” for those curious about various Voodoo, Occult and Spiritual topics.  Again, this is just a brief summary on two very extensive topics.  We offer more in-depth and academic resources for exploring more information on Manifesting, Manifestation, Voodoo spells, and magical rituals, as showcased in our extensive article section for those wishing to read more!

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Starseeds and Spiritual Practitioners: Understanding the Differences

Starseeds and Spiritual Practitioners: Understanding the Differences. We are often asked what are Starseeds exactly, and what is the difference between what spiritual practitioners or spiritual workers do versus a Starseed? How do I know if I am one and what are the signs? Actually, there are many souls who are both, Starseeds and Spiritual Workers, including one of our favorite Mambos and Psychic Readers at Erzulie’s Voodoo in New Orleans!

We offer this brief overview to explore the unique differences of Starseeds and Spiritual Practitioners and some of the signs you may be one as part of Erzulie’s “Spiritual Summary Series™” for those curious about various Voodoo, Occult and Spiritual topics.

Again, this is just a brief summary on two very extensive topics, and we offer more in-depth and academic resources for exploring more information on spiritual workers as showcased in our extensive article section for those wishing to read more!

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Lightworkers and Spiritual Practitioners: Exploring their Unique Roles in the Spiritual World

Lightworkers and Spiritual Practitioners: Exploring their Unique Roles in the Spiritual World. Most people have heard the term Lightworker by now, and often ask us what is the difference between what you do as a spiritual worker or practitioner versus a lightworker?  Is this my calling too?

We offer this brief overview to explore the unique roles of Lightworkers and Spiritual Practitioners and, some of the common signs or characteristics of Lightworkers and Spiritual Practitioners as part of Erzulie’s “Spiritual Summary Series™” for those curious about various Voodoo, Occult and Spiritual topics.

Again, this is just a brief summary on two very extensive topics, and we offer more in-depth and academic resources for exploring more information on spiritual workers as showcased in our extensive article section for those wishing to read more! Continue reading “Lightworkers and Spiritual Practitioners: Exploring their Unique Roles in the Spiritual World”

About Ouija Boards, Dangers of Ouija Boards & Conjuring the Dead

Ouija Boards and the Dangers of Ouija Boards. Is it safe to conjure and chat with the Spirits of the Dead?  This is a brief overview of Ouija Boards, the history of Ouija Boards and the potential dangers of using Ouija Boards.

We are always asked by clients at Erzulie’s if working with Ouija Boards is good thing. Is it okay to contact the dead?  What harm could there be to speak with my lost loved one? This depends on many variables: spiritual attunement, spiritual training, spiritual balance, and spiritual abilities. Learn more about Ouija Boards, Dangers of Ouija Boards and Conjuring the Dead.

This overview on Ouija Boards is provided from a Voodoo perspective as part of Erzulie’s “Spiritual Summary Series” for those curious about various Voodoo, Occult and Spiritual topics.

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What’s the Difference Between Psychic Readers and Psychic Mediums?

What’s the Difference Between Psychic Readers and Psychic Mediums? A brief overview of the differences of a Psychic Reading and a Psychic Medium Reading as part of Erzulie’s “Spiritual Summary Series” for those curious about various Voodoo, Occult and Spiritual topics.

Essentially, Psychic mediums and psychic readers who perform psychic readings and divinations are two different spiritual art forms.  This brief article serves to define the differences between both a psychic reading and psychic medium reading spiritual guidance techniques.

Again, this is just a brief summary on two very extensive topics, and we offer more in-depth and academic resources for exploring the similarities and differences between the Psychic Readings and Psychic Mediums, as showcased in our extensive article section for those wishing to read more!

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Can you Practice Voodoo Rituals as a Christian? Explore the Similarities & Differences Between the Belief Systems

Can you Practice Voodoo Rituals as a Christian? Explore the Similarities & Differences Between the Belief Systems of Voodoo & Christianity. A brief overview of the Voodoo Religion (African Traditional Religions) & the Christianity belief systems as part of Erzulie’s “Spiritual Summary Series” for those curious about various Voodoo, Occult and Spiritual topics.

We are always asked by clients at Erzulie’s if working within the Voodoo path for spiritual intercession would be aligned with their Christian beliefs.  Can one work with Voodoo Spells, Voodoo Rituals, Handcrafted Spiritual Items, or obtain Spiritual Guidance from a Practitioner as a Christian?

While those decisions are based upon your personal belief systems, we have never found any problem calling upon any Divine Intercessors in either of these two traditions. We perceive God placed Divine Spirits to aid all of us, regardless of your specific path.

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History of Tarot Decks, Tarot Cards & Common Tarot Card Meanings

A brief history on Tarot Decks, Tarot Cards, Common Tarot Card Meanings and Tarot Readings for the curious or those starting out with their own Tarot Decks! Many of our initiated Vodou and Santeria Priests and Priestess use tarot decks and other divination tools, or a combination of tools, in every psychic reading and spiritual consultation offered at Erzulie’s Voodoo in New Orleans.

This brief overview of the History of Tarot Decks, Tarot Cards, Common Tarot Card Meanings and how they came about for psychic tarot readings is part of Erzulie’s “Spiritual Summary Series” for those curious about various Voodoo, Occult and Spiritual topics.

We offer more in-depth and academic resources on Tarot Readings, Tarot Decks and Psychic Readings divination systems showcased in our extensive article section for those wishing to learn more!

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African Divination Systems: About Bone Readings, Shell Readings & Kola Nut Divination

African Divination Systems and Vodun Priest & Priestess Psychic Readings.  Learn about African Divination Systems including Bone Readings, Shell Readings, Kola Nut Readings and Divinations from the African Traditional Religions (ATR).

These types of psychic readings and divinations can only be  offered  by initiated Priests and Priestesses of the Vodou Tradition, Santeria Tradition, Ifa Path, Yoruba Traditions, Candomblé, and Palo just to name a few of the paths in the African Voodoo Religions.

Many of our initiated Vodou and Santeria Priests and Priestess use these tools, or a combination of these tools, in every psychic reading and spiritual consultation offered at Erzulie’s Voodoo in New Orleans.  This brief overview of African Divination Systems: About Bone Readings, Shell Readings & Kola Nut Divination is part of Erzulie’s “Spiritual Summary Series™” for those curious about various Voodoo, Occult and Spiritual topics.

Continue reading “African Divination Systems: About Bone Readings, Shell Readings & Kola Nut Divination”

Soul Ties! What are Soul Ties & How to Break Soul Ties

Soul Ties! What are they and how to break soul ties.  A brief overview of Soul Ties, What are Soul Ties and How to Break Soul Ties as part of Erzulie’s Voodoo in New Orleans “Spiritual Summary Series” for those curious about various Voodoo, Occult and Spiritual topics.  We offer more in-depth and academic resources for Soul Ties showcased in our extensive article section for those wishing to read more about What Are Soul Ties, Breaking Soul Ties and How Soul Ties happen!


A soul tie is a spiritual and emotional bond or connection that two people share. It can be physical, emotional, spiritual, or social, and it is often formed through sexual intimacy. From a Scientific point of view, during sexual intercourse, the body releases oxytocin, known as “the bonding hormone,” which links the individuals together and sometimes creates a soul tie. That feeling of a connection so powerful it feels almost supernatural.

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Signs of Black Magic, Demons & Dark Ritual Attacks: A Comprehensive List

Black Magic, Demonic Energies, and the signs of Black Magic manifesting into your life.  Erzulie’s Voodoo is proud to offer this wonderful piece on the signs and symptoms of Black Magic. This article is a primer on Black Magic and the symptoms of Black Magic Rituals and Attacks, is for those who feel they may be afflicted by such dark energies and demonic ritual work.

♠ DETERMINING SIGNS OF BLACK MAGIC IN YOUR LIFEBlack Magic Spells, Black Magic Rituals, Demonic Forces, Dark Energies & Demons Affecting Your Life. Signs of Black Magic Spells and Dark Ritual Magic.

It can be very difficult to determine if someone is practicing black magic or casting dark spells on you or your family members. This is why an accurate consultation with expert practitioner is necessary before the symptoms become uncontrollable.

Many of the signs of supposed “witchcraft” or “black magic” can be easily explained by other causes, such as physical or psychological health issues.  However, in the Vodou religion, we perceive everything as spiritual in nature, including abnormal behavioral issues.

It is always possible someone has attacked you using Black Magic, Black Magical Spells, Crossing Rituals or Dark, Demonic energies have attached themselves to a person.  In fact, Black Magic Spells and low-level, dark, demonic energies are more common in our lives than we think.

If you suspect that someone is performing black magic or casting spells on you, or you have some dark energy or entity affecting your life it’s important to be aware of the following signs.

Continue reading “Signs of Black Magic, Demons & Dark Ritual Attacks: A Comprehensive List”