Roots of Vodou & Voodoo and Vodou Beliefs by Erzulie’s Voodoo

Roots of Vodou and Vodou Beliefs. More about the Vodou religion and the roots of Vodou. This section serves as a basic primer of the roots, concepts, and beliefs of Haitian Vodou and the other spiritual paths of the African traditional religions as represented at Erzulie’s Voodoo in New Orleans. The following overviews are not intended to replace the vast, culturally rich, and complex theology, but instead, to provide general foundational beliefs, dispel common myths, misnomers and acquaint you with the power and beauty of the mysteries of Vodou.

More comprehensive information and extended areas of focus on the History of Vodou, Haitian Vodou Glossary, Vodou Veves, Vodou Prayers & Proverbs and All About Vodou is available in our Voodoo Articles section.  If you wish to discuss the Vodou tradition, this spiritual path and how the Vodou can assist you with your spiritual needs, our initiated practitioners are always available for a spiritual consultation. Alafia from all of us at Erzulie’s Voodoo in New Orleans! Continue reading “Roots of Vodou & Voodoo and Vodou Beliefs by Erzulie’s Voodoo”

Vodou Priestess Mama Lola

Mama Lola the Legendary Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn

Spotlight and Photo of legendary Vodou Priestess: Mama Lola. We adore her at Erzulie’s Voodoo, and this was taken after a Voodoo Fest ritual in New Orleans. We have so many amazing photos of rituals and ceremonies with her over years and will post more as we update website of those glorious Vodou rituals. Continue reading “Vodou Priestess Mama Lola”

Sacred Vodou Words ~ A Haitian Vodou Glossary by Erzulie’s Voodoo of New Orleans

Sacred Vodou Words, Vodou Ritual Words and Vodou Ceremony Words ~ All about Haitian Vodou and those magical Vodou words we use ~ what are they and what do they mean?  This Haitian Vodou glossary was provided as courtesy by Mambo Michele and her Vodou house to help educate others about the mysterious world of Vodou! We truly hope you love this education piece on the Haitian Vodou religion by Erzulie’s Voodoo of New Orleans. Scroll down to view the Haitian Vodou Glossary in alphabetical order for your convenience.

For those with more in-depth Vodou religion or spiritual questions, learn what a Psychic Reading and Spiritual Consultation with an initiated Vodou practitioner can bring into your spiritual session with this helpful article on what our spiritual services can do for you. To learn more about Haitian Vodou, Vodou Rituals, the Vodou Religion and Vodou spiritual beliefs, click here to read more fascinating articles written by highly experienced, initiated Vodou Practitioners at Erzulie’s Voodoo in New Orleans. Alafia from all of us at Erzulie’s Voodoo!

Continue reading “Sacred Vodou Words ~ A Haitian Vodou Glossary by Erzulie’s Voodoo of New Orleans”

Haitian Vodou Glossary at Erzulie’s Authentic Voodoo

All about the Secrets of Vodou, Haitian Vodou and those secret Vodou words we use in formal Vodou ceremony or preparing a handcrafted magical or ritual items.  What are those Vodou words and what do they mean?  This Haitian Vodou glossary was provided as courtesy by Hougan Aboudja and his Vodou Temple to help educate others about the mysterious world of Vodou.  To learn more about Haitian Vodou, Vodou Rituals, the Vodou Religion and Vodou spiritual beliefs, click here to read more fascinating articles written by highly experienced, initiated Vodou Practitioners at Erzulie’s Voodoo in New Orleans!

If you wish to learn more about Haitian Vodou, explore the Vodou path or tradition, or have spiritual questions you would like to discuss with an expert, feel free to book a Spiritual Consultation with one of our highly experienced, caring and initiated Vodou practitioners at Erzulie’s Voodoo of New Orleans. Continue reading “Haitian Vodou Glossary at Erzulie’s Authentic Voodoo”