Psychic Readings for Uncrossing & Anti-Hex Issues – 1/2 Hr. reading performed exclusively by our elder Mambos (Initiated Vodou Priestesses)! This is an exclusive psychic reading that focuses are those who are having serious difficulties, recent or long term streaks of horrible luck or misfortune, sudden reversals in their lives, relationships and prosperity, endless negativity and wondering if negative magic, ritual or spiritual work is being done against them. Often times, periods of such negativity, reversals, chaos and misfortunes, especially in a concentrated or significant time frame often have spiritual influences at the root of such misalignment and needs to be examined by an expert in such matters of destructive spiritual energy. These situations require a specific type of divination and focus to determine any 3rd party interference, underlying agendas, spiritual influences, known or unknown enemies, and what is happening specifically in your life or environment to better gauge the spiritual steps needed to repair, banish and uncross you and your loved ones. There are many options to reversing, uncrossing and realigning your life in the Voodoo tradition, and this psychic reading provides the expert focus to determine what is going on, the parties or energies involved and roots of these unfortunate series of events to remedy and get your life back on track quickly! Upon ordering your psychic reading or spiritual consultation fill out the Readings & Consultations Scheduling form located here!