A brief history on Tarot Decks, Tarot Cards, Common Tarot Card Meanings and Tarot Readings for the curious or those starting out with their own Tarot Decks! Many of our initiated Vodou and Santeria Priests and Priestess use tarot decks and other divination tools, or a combination of tools, in every psychic reading and spiritual consultation offered at Erzulie’s Voodoo in New Orleans.
This brief overview of the History of Tarot Decks, Tarot Cards, Common Tarot Card Meanings and how they came about for psychic tarot readings is part of Erzulie’s “Spiritual Summary Series™” for those curious about various Voodoo, Occult and Spiritual topics.
We offer more in-depth and academic resources on Tarot Readings, Tarot Decks and Psychic Readings divination systems showcased in our extensive article section for those wishing to learn more!
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