Voodoo in New Orleans & History of Louisiana Voodoo

Voodoo in New Orleans & History of Louisiana Voodoo ~ A Glimpse into the History of Voodoo in New Orleans

Voodoo in New Orleans and the Roots of Louisiana Voodoo by Erzulie’s Voodoo in New Orleans. In honor of Erzulie’s flagship store in the French Quarter, we are proud bring you this introduction to Voodoo as it is practiced in New Orleans. Note the spelling of the word Voodoo in this section versus our articles on Haitian Vodou. This is to reflect the American influence on Voodoo in New Orleans.

This overview of New Orleans Voodoo is not intended to recount the vast history of New Orleans, such history would fill volumes. Instead, we wanted to provide an educational overview on with the roots, myths, magic, and legendary practitioners who influenced the distinct New Orleans Voodoo tradition, which is still practiced today. To learn more about the Vodou Religion, Vodou Beliefs and History of New Orleans Voodoo, browse our vast collection of educational Voodoo articles prepared by caring, initiated Vodou practitioners at Erzulie’s. Learn what a Psychic Reading and Spiritual Consultation with an initiated Voodoo practitioner can bring into your spiritual session with this helpful article on what those spiritual services can do for you.  Alafia from all of us at Erzulie’s in New Orleans!

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Love Spells & Voodoo Spells: The Truth About Love Spells, Voodoo Spells & Authentic New Orleans Voodoo

Love Spells, Voodoo Spells & Magical New Orleans Voodoo Spells ~ The Truth About Casting Love Spells, Voodoo Spells or Magical Spells.

Considering love spells, Voodoo spells or authentic New Orleans magical love spells? Not until you do some much-needed preparation and thought.  A love spell, Voodoo Spell or any magic spell or ritual for that matter, should not be done in a casual, offhand manner.  Nor at the height of a extreme emotions. Love spells and magic spells often go awry when we cast them in the heat of the moment or on an emotional whim.  When we do not take the time to think about what we want to do, then we get in over our heads and have all kinds of unforeseen problems. Our experts can explain in greater detail how this energetic scenario harms or impedes your outcome during your spiritual consultation.

Continue reading “Love Spells & Voodoo Spells: The Truth About Love Spells, Voodoo Spells & Authentic New Orleans Voodoo”