Can you Practice Voodoo Rituals as a Christian? Explore the Similarities & Differences Between the Belief Systems

Can you Practice Voodoo Rituals as a Christian? Explore the Similarities & Differences Between the Belief Systems of Voodoo & Christianity. A brief overview of the Voodoo Religion (African Traditional Religions) & the Christianity belief systems as part of Erzulie’s “Spiritual Summary Series” for those curious about various Voodoo, Occult and Spiritual topics.

We are always asked by clients at Erzulie’s if working within the Voodoo path for spiritual intercession would be aligned with their Christian beliefs.  Can one work with Voodoo Spells, Voodoo Rituals, Handcrafted Spiritual Items, or obtain Spiritual Guidance from a Practitioner as a Christian?

While those decisions are based upon your personal belief systems, we have never found any problem calling upon any Divine Intercessors in either of these two traditions. We perceive God placed Divine Spirits to aid all of us, regardless of your specific path.

Continue reading “Can you Practice Voodoo Rituals as a Christian? Explore the Similarities & Differences Between the Belief Systems”

About Haitian Vodou, Vodou Beliefs and the Vodou Religion by Erzulie’s Voodoo

About Haitian Vodou, Vodou Beliefs and the Vodou Religion By Vodou Priest, Hougan Kay Aboudja & Erzulie’s Voodoo

About Haitian Vodou, the Vodou Religion, Vodou beliefs and Vodou FAQ’s answered at Erzulie’s Voodoo in New Orleans! An excellent, academic primer about Haitian Vodou, the Roots of Vodou, Vodun and the most commonly asked questions about the Vodou Religion written by Hougan Aboudja and Anna, the owner Erzulie’s Voodoo and is copyrighted. Our beloved Hougan Aboudja was one of the most knowledgeable Vodou Priests on the Orthodox Haitian Vodou Tradition ever.  Over the years, we have come to the conclusion that Houngan Aboudja was indeed a walking encyclopedia on the often misunderstood, mysterious and complex Vodou Religion. Feel free to request permission to duplicate any part of this publication, or simply link back to this page if you wish to use our content.

For those with more in-depth Vodou religion or spiritual questions, learn what a Psychic Reading and Spiritual Consultation with an initiated Vodou practitioner can bring into your spiritual session with this helpful article on what our spiritual services can do for you.

If you visited Erzulie’s Voodoo Shop in the French Quarter over the past 20+ years, you will more than likely have met him on the famed “Voodoo Couch” clarifying and correcting the many misconceptions people debate and discuss in the store!  We thank Hougan Aboudja for his devotion, time, expert knowledge and filling in every blank possible on Haitian Vodou. We miss you dearly since you departed to be with God and the Lwa, and pray you rest in peace. Continue reading “About Haitian Vodou, Vodou Beliefs and the Vodou Religion by Erzulie’s Voodoo”