Voodoo Dolls and Stained Glass Voodoo Dolls ~ Handmade stained glass rendition of the owner’s personal LaSiren painting found on the altar of Mambo LaSiren in the New Orleans Voodoo Store. LaSiren, the divine water spirit and often correlated to the water version of Erzulie-Freda. Mambo LaSiren, the wife of Agwe, is a very powerful Lwa who lives in the sea. She can bring much healing and balancing to your life along with success, luck and wealth. LaSiren and is very calming, cooling, cleansing and healing to those who seek her assistance. She too, is very beautiful and loves very decadent and exquisite items, particularly anything beautiful from the ocean or that represents water! Primary colors: blue & green, approximately 6″ tall. Please allow 5-7 business days to prepare this stunning piece of spiritual art.