Exploring the Mystical World of Angels, Spirit Guides, and Divine Voodoo Spirits!

Many spiritual traditions embrace the belief in angels and spirit guides, and Voodoo is no different with the Divine Voodoo Spirits known as the Lwa. Each tradition offers many different ways to connect with these entities. Often, people use prayer, meditation, or other spiritual practices to communicate with angels or spirit guides, while others may seek out the guidance of a spiritual advisor or healer.

Learn more about the mystical world of Angels, Spirit Guides and Divine Voodoo Spirits with this brief overview as part of Erzulie’s “Spiritual Summary Series™” for those curious about various Voodoo, Occult and Spiritual topics.

Again, this is just a brief summary on a very extensive topic, (which varies tremendously by faith or belief) written from a Vodou perspective and how it compares to Divine Voodoo Spirits we use in Voodoo Spells, magical rituals, spiritual readings, and spiritual items.  We offer more in-depth and academic resources for exploring more information on Angels, Spirit Guides, and Divine Voodoo Spirits as showcased in our extensive article section for those wishing to read more!


  • Angels and spirit guides are often associated with spiritual traditions that focus on connecting with divine or spiritual energies. These entities are believed to offer guidance and protection in life, and many people believe that they can communicate with angels and spirit guides through prayer, meditation, or other spiritual practices. Explore the Mystical World of Angels, Spirit Guides, and Divine Voodoo Spirits & Angels in the Mirror. Learn more about Angels, celestial spirit guides, and the Divine Voodoo Lwa at Erzulie's Voodoo in New Orleans.
  • As you may have gathered, Voodoo is a spiritual tradition that originated in Africa and has developed into a complex system of beliefs and practices in the Americas (especially New Orleans, Louisiana 😊). Voodoo rituals often involve the use of symbols, music, dance, and offerings to connect with spiritual energies. These spiritual energies are known as the Voodoo Lwa.
  • Angels, Spirit Guides and Voodoo Lwa; very similar and powerful spiritual energies to draw upon in any magical works, Voodoo Spells, rituals, spiritual readings, and manifestation work.


While angels and spirit guides are not typically associated with Voodoo, there are some similarities between the two traditions. So much so, there is even an expression in the Vodou about the Divine Vodou  Explore the Mystical World of Angels, Spirit Guides, and Divine Voodoo Spirits & Angels in the Mirror. Learn more about celestial spirit guides, angels and the Divine Voodoo Lwa at Erzulie's Voodoo in New Orleans.Spirits we use, “Angels in the Mirror” as a way of acknowledging when the Voodoo Lwa appear in ceremony, Voodoo spells, private rituals, or personal communing time with the Lwa.

Another similarity is that all involve the use of rituals and symbols to connect with spiritual energies, and both emphasize the importance of developing a personal relationship with the divine or spiritual realm. In the Vodou these symbols are known as “Veves”, and you will see powerful Voodoo Veves throughout on entire site and on every single handmade Vodou product at Erzulie’s! Learn more about Voodoo Veves here too.


Explore the Mystical World of Angels, Spirit Guides, and Divine Voodoo Spirits & Angels in the Mirror. Learn more about Angels, celestial spirit guides, and the Divine Voodoo Lwa at Erzulie's Voodoo in New Orleans.Angels and spirit guides are often associated with spiritual traditions that emphasize the belief in divine or spiritual energies. Angels are typically seen as celestial beings who serve as messengers from God or other higher powers. They are often depicted as having wings and a human-like form, and they are believed to offer guidance, protection, and support to humans.


Spirit guides, on the other hand, are believed to be non-physical entities that offer guidance and wisdom to humans. They are often seen as personal guides who are assigned to individuals to help them navigate their life journey. Spirit guides can take many forms, such as animals, ancestors, or ascended masters, and they are believed to communicate with individuals through intuition, dreams, or other spiritual practices.


The owner, Anna, has dedicated her entire life’s work, this entire website and educational Vodou apps on iTunes & Google Play to the Divine Voodoo Lwa. Erzulie’s offer numerous academic resources Explore the Mystical World of Angels, Spirit Guides, and Divine Voodoo Spirits & Angels in the Mirror. Learn more about celestial spirit guides, angels and the Divine Voodoo Lwa at Erzulie's Voodoo in New Orleans.on our extensive articles section. Here are some of our favorite articles about Vodou and the Divine Voodoo Spirits.

  • https://www.erzulies.com/voodoo-veves-and-sacred-vodou-symbols-of-the-lwa/
  • https://www.erzulies.com/vodou-lwa-voodoo-spirits-and-catholic-saint-counterparts/
  • https://www.erzulies.com/about-haitian-vodou-haitian-voodoo-history-beliefs/
  • https://www.erzulies.com/sacred-vodou-words-a-haitian-vodou-glossary-by-erzuiles-authentic-voodoo-of-new-orleans/

SUMMARY OF Exploring the Mystical World of Angels, Spirit Guides, and Divine Voodoo Spirits!

As we learned, many spiritual traditions embrace the belief in angels and spirit guides, and there are many different ways to connect with these entities. Some people use prayer, rituals, and other spiritual practices to communicate with angels, spirit guides and Vodou Lwa, while others may seek out the guidance of a spiritual advisor or healer.Explore the Mystical World of Angels, Spirit Guides, and Divine Voodoo Spirits & Angels in the Mirror. Learn more about Angels, celestial spirit guides, and the Divine Voodoo Lwa at Erzulie's Voodoo in New Orleans.

NOTE: You can learn what the Divine Voodoo Spirits have to say in our exclusive New Orleans Voodoo Tarot Reading and our Tarot of the Orishas Readings; offered by our elder Mambos at Erzulie’s!

Ultimately, the belief in angels, spirit guides or any tradition is a personal one, and the specific practices and rituals used to connect with these entities will depend on the individual’s beliefs and preferences. However, many people find that connecting with angels and spirit guides can be a powerful way to gain insight, guidance, and support on their spiritual journey. We have always said, “Everyone does better with Spirit than without.”

Exploring the Mystical World of Angels, Spirit Guides, and Divine Voodoo Spirits, much like many spiritual and religious topics, are often vast and complicated subject matters. We offer these fun and informative Spiritual Summary Series™ to acquaint those with some preliminary information on various spiritual topics.

At Erzulie’s Voodoo in New Orleans, we always strive to provide educational resources for our guests and friends visiting us, and truly hope you enjoyed our “Spiritual Summary Series™” article. Please let us know if there are any topics you’d be interested in learning more about too by emailing webmistress@erzulies.com!